Confirmation Programme

Each year, starting in January, the parish’s Confirmation Programme examines the relevance and importance of Jesus, our faith and the church to Catholic youth today, to foster a personal relationship with Jesus and to practise praying.

For further information please contact the Parish Office, e-mail: Enquires via phone: 07783 235145 (Mon-Fri: 9:30-12:30)

Is your child in Yr.8 / above and interested in making their Confirmation? If so, register your interest by completing the attached form below (printed copies available in the church porch during January).  Please return the form to the parish office via our collection baskets, email or post them through the presbytery letterbox -> Application form (PDF) -> Application Form (Word) 

The 2021 programme confirmation candidates:

Resources from the Catholic Liturgy Office -> Confirmation/OC Introduction

[08 Jan 23]