
The four weeks of Advent remind us to set aside some of the hectic business of the holiday season, and to quietly reflect on the promise of the baby born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. As members of St Paul’s parish community, we let the Advent themes of waiting, preparation, light in the darkness, and the coming of the promised Messiah speak to our hearts and prayers at this special time.

St Paul’s parish activities 2022

Up to date details of Advent activities will be in each St Paul’s parish weekend newsletter -> Recent Posts.

The activities and events listed below are available as a leaflet with information and dates for your diaries.-> Advent 2022 Leaflet v3.

Advent marks the start of the Church’s year and, at St Pauls, we continue to come back together as a parish community following the difficult times of the pandemic. 

A special invitation goes out to all families to join in the Advent Masses and activities. Each week a family may light the Advent wreath on behalf of the whole congregation at the start of Mass.

These events are for everyone in our parish community.

Delve deeper into what Advent means and share how it impacts our faith?: Come together with others in the parish to explore Advent themes. If you are interested, please call or text 07775 873758 (Hugh & Ros) by 21st Nov. 

Travelling Crib: Mary and Joseph leave Church on the First Week of Advent (Sun 27th Nov), we invite Parishioners to welcome them into their homes on their journey. The sign-up list is at the back of Church for available dates. If you could also deliver and collect the crib for a housebound member of our parish, please sign up for two daysIf you are housebound / unable to attend Mass and wish to host the crib please contact the parish office, who will try to match you with an offered date (no later than 9th Dec).

LITTLE CHURCH Advent Activities – flyer issued; copy on Youth noticeboard -> Little Church Advent Flyer

Advent 1 Sunday 27th November, 10am 

Little Church: start a Christmas wreath to make and continue at home.

Travelling crib: We send the Travelling crib off as we welcome it and our friends into our homes until its return on Christmas Eve. (More details to follow).

Advent 2 Sunday 4th December, 10am 

  • Toy mass: Parishioners are invited to bring new unwrapped toys into Church so they can be donated to local charities.

Advent 3 Sunday 11th December, 10am 

  • Confessions: Fr Peter Burke is available for confessions at St Paul’s Church from 5:00pm to 6:00pm on Saturday 10th December.
  • Family Christingle: with Tea and Coffee after 10:am Mass.

Advent 4 Sunday 18th Dec, 10am

  • Little Church: Let’s come together to decorate our Jesse tree and learn why it’s  part of our advent story. We look forward to seeing your wonderful pieces!!
  • The Parish Christmas events card will be available mid Decmber following the school design competition. Please take one for people you know who are elderly or housebound.

Advent Service of Reconciliation: Father Peter Burke invites everyone to join him on Tuesday December 20th at 7.30pm in church

St Alban’s parish activities 2022

See the home page at St Alban’s and the parish calendar St Alban’s Calendar.

St Alban’s Home Groups: All are welcome to join a Home Group this Advent, for welcome, prayer and discussion with a small group of parishioners in someone’s home or on Zoom.  Each group will meet weekly, usually 4 times. Please email to find out more or to register for a particular group, and you will be told who the host is, the time and location or Zoom link.



1 group, mixed in-person/Zoom
From 21st November


1 group, in-person
From 29th November

Evening, 2 groups:
1 Zoom group, 1 in-person group
From 22nd November



1 group, on Zoom
From 17th November



1 group, mixed in-person/Zoom
From 25th November

Day of recollection: at St Alban’s on 3rd December. Led by Father Geoff O’Grady. More details later.



In our Forgiveness Service in 2017 we came together to think about,”Who are we?”
Jesus, the Light of the World, lived on earth, fully human as we are, to guide us on our journey of life, showing us how to live. As Baptised members of God’s family how do we live out our faith following in the footsteps of Jesus? As we journey together how do we light up the way for others? Join us in our examination on conscience, prepared by Jacqui Feely. Click here ->

Advent reflections: Click below

-> Meditation – Light of Christ 2017 v3

-> Examination of conscience, Who am I

[20 Nov 22]