- All Hallows Catholic College
- Friends of St. Paul’s (formerly the PTA)
- Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults
- St. Paul’s Catholic Primary School
- St. Paul’s Pre-School
- St. Paul’s Toddler Group
Parish Administration & Communications
Counters; Parish Administration; Parish Directory; Parish Finance Committee; Parish Gift Aid; Parish Library; Parish Website; Weekly Newsletter
Parish Co-ordinating Team
The Parish Co-ordinating Team meets several times each year to ensure the coordination of all the parish activities
Parish Diary
Our parish diary of activities and events.
Pastoral Care
Altar Linen; Church Cleaning; Community Room Hire; Flower Arranging; Maintenance of Property (Church, Presbytery and Community Rooms); Piety Stall
Prayer & Liturgy
Altar Servers; “Little Church”; Liturgy Group; Ministers of the Word (Our Readers); Ministers of the Eucharistic; Choir & Music Group; PowerPoint Team; Welcomers
After Mass Social Time; Christmas Fair; Parish Dinner; Friendship and Bereavement Group; Ramblers; St. Paul’s Brownies (7th Poynton); Summer Fair; The Catenian Association
Social Justice
Christian Aid; Churches together in Poynton (CTIP); Fairtrade Foundation; Local Pastoral Area (LPA); The Wellspring